What does Seat-in-coach mean? Round Trip Seat-In-Coach
2012년 3월 16일 오후 3:10
답변 · 7
In terms of airplane accommodations, coach means economy class. So practically, it's cheaper than private/first class and has more people in it. If you apply it to anything else, it probably means sharing something with a lot of other people for a not so expensive price.
2012년 3월 16일
It's difficult to know for sure without understanding the context where it was used, but I can think of two meanings: 1) Used literally, it means to travel to and from a destination in the low-cost seating (in the back of the airplane or bus). 2) Used figuratively, it could be used to describe an experience as frustrating or irritating. Example: "I just got off a two-hour phone call with my mother. Talking to her is like a round trip seat in coach!"
2012년 3월 16일
A trip by bus with others.
2012년 3월 16일
SIV (SEAT IN VEHICLE): This mode of transfer does pickups from your location like Airport and has drop offs along the way. Same applies for pickups from Hotel / Resort back to the destination like airport with pickups along the way.
2012년 3월 16일
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