what does "don't bother doing" mean? what does the phrase mean? to do or not to do, or feel bother to do, or not worthy to do?
2012년 4월 20일 오후 1:07
답변 · 4
You would usually say "don't even bother" or don't bother trying". It means that even if you put forth your best effort you will not receive the desired result. Example - You tell a friend you will apply for a job. He tells you : "Oh, don't even bother." You ask : "Why not?" He replies: "I heard the boss is going to hire his cousin - no matter who applies." You reply : " Ok. So it's not worth my time." He replies : "Yes."
2012년 4월 20일
It means "don't do it". Usually because it's not worth the effort. Or the other person doesn't need or want the action.
2012년 4월 20일
Thank you all, all are revealing to me!
2012년 4월 21일
It is an unfinished idea Dont bother doing IT. IT is not worth doing. IT is futil. IT would not pay off if you did it.
2012년 4월 20일
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