What image lies behind this expression? thanks Give it the beans. I just googled but didn't find anything about its origin, I came across another expression "feed it beans" while searching. they have the same meaning? when do you say them?
2012년 5월 1일 오후 1:35
답변 · 8
A phrase used when one is encouraging a peer to put maximum effort into a particular activity. Giving it the beans implies that the participant should without doubt ‘nail’ the task ahead. The ultimate battle cry. for example: Should i down this pint of fine beer? “...’Give it the fucking beans’ mate...” Should i smash this pricks windscreen? “...’Give it the fucking beans’ mate...” A fat man running to catch the bus, “...AY MATE, ‘Give it the fucking beans’...”
2012년 5월 1일
I've never heard of this expression before now, so you can safely assume that only a small group of people use it. That's one of the problems with urbandictionary: you can invent a phrase, get a few friends to vote for it and voila! you have "authentic slang". Anyway: there is a common expression, "to be full of beans". This means to be full of energy (specifically, Mexican jumping beans). Perhaps your phrase is a variation.
2012년 5월 1일
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