"Here is your something" = "This is your something" Is it same means?
2012년 5월 28일 오후 5:09
답변 · 4
2012년 5월 30일
uhm, "here is your ABC" is used when someone offer/give you something, for example: In a restaurant: - pass me some sugar, please! (小姐,可以给我一些糖吗?) - just a moment... here is your sugar (请您等一下。。。糖来了) And "this is your ABC" is used to talk about possession, for example: In class: - which one is my book? (哪本是我的书?) - this is your book, that is mine (这本是你的,那本是我的)
2012년 5월 29일
in real life situations, normally you would say "this is yours" to tell someone it is theirs, and 'here it is' just to tell them to take it. 'this is yours' is informing them that they own it, whereas 'here is your XX' is informing them that you are giving it to them now and they should reach out and take it.
2012년 5월 29일
We don't use either expression.
2012년 5월 29일
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