吗还是么?我不知道。What is the difference between 吗 and 么 when placed at the end of a phrase in Chinese?
2012년 6월 29일 오후 6:39
답변 · 5
Hello,there. ''吗'' is the same as"么",It depends on you.If you prefer to "吗", just use it. Let me show some sentence for you as follow: 你疯了吗?or 你疯了么?(Are you crazy?) 你在开玩笑吗?or 你在开玩笑么?(Are you kidding me?) 你有心上人吗?or 你有心上人么?(Are you seeing anyone now?) Now,I will tell you how to use "么" in other situations. '''么'’ can be use as a suffix of some words. For example,什么、怎么、多么. 有什么意见吗?(Any complaints?) 你看来多么火辣啊!(How hot you look.) 没了,希望能帮到你,jlmusicgirl。
2012년 6월 29일
there's no difference between '吗' and ‘么’ when they are both used at the end of the sentences as ONE word to express the interrogative mood. But there are also some set phrases related to '么' . For example, we can say '什么?'(not '什吗')and '怎么','这么','多么','什么','那么' , we can't use '吗' instead of '么' as the same.
2012년 7월 4일
吗and么是一个意思的,在大陆是用吗比较多,没必要分清他们,就用吗可以了。Do you understand?If you not,I like you to communicate with me .I`m looking forward to a partner can help me improving my English and I can help you study Chinese.
2012년 7월 3일
when they are placed at the end of a phrase, NO difference. EXCEPT 吗 is more official.....
2012년 6월 30일
2012년 6월 30일
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