Whats the difference between 或者 and 还是。 Please help me understand the difference
2012년 6월 30일 오후 6:46
답변 · 7
或者 is used in a statement while 还是 is used in a question. 你要吃草莓还是香蕉?- Do you want to eat strawberries or bananas? 你可以吃草莓或者香蕉? - You can have strawberries or bananas?
2012년 6월 30일
a或者b A or B - multiple possibilities a還是b is it A? or is it B? “或” most corresponds to our "or", you will often see this single character in a sentence like A (或:B) in spoken language they say 或者 (huo2zhe3) as i undersatnd it, if you use the meanings in the same sentence, the meanings change like this: 你想吃麵 或者 飯 you want to eat noodles or rice! 你想吃麵 還是 (想吃)飯 do you want to eat noodles? "or is it" (還是) rice (that you want)..... notice that chinese speakers don't add 嗎 in this style of question, because "還是" is a signal to the listener that you are unsure which is the case, implicitly asking the other party a question, so 嗎 becomes unnecessary. (The same is true for things like 什麼, I never hear: 你想要什麼嗎, only 你想要什麼?. ) (I hope if I am wrong, a native speaker will correct or clarify)
2012년 7월 1일
hi 1 “或者”表示肯定(to be sure) 2“还是”表示疑问,用在疑问句(we often use interrogative sentence) For example:我们吃米饭还是吃面包? 我们吃米饭或者面包。
2012년 7월 2일
thats a tough question, have no idea how to explain...:
2012년 6월 30일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!