"I fancy you",what does it mean?
2012년 7월 3일 오후 4:54
답변 · 6
yes, it means I like you in a teenage boy/ girl romantic way. Don't say to your teacher, or your boss " I fancy you" if you like them, unless you mean you have romantic feelings for them... ( well maybe you do fancy them...but keep it to yourself!)
2012년 7월 3일
Just "I fancy you" means that I have taken a liking to you or just that I like you. If the phrase has a clause after it, it means that you imagine something or can form a picture of it in your mind. "I fancy you'll want to get to bed after such a long day." = "I imagine you''ll want to get to bed.." or "I'll bet you want to get to bed..."
2012년 7월 3일
It means "I like you."
2012년 7월 3일
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