spring equinox
difference between" settle in " and "settle down". When someone moved somewhere, can I say " I hope you've settled down." or ” I hope you've settled in."?   I'm not sure which is appropriate. Please help me. And also I'd appreciate it if you could explain the difference. Thank you.
2012년 7월 8일 오후 11:22
답변 · 6
If a kid is being hyper and driving you crazy, you can tell him, "Settle down!" This is a command to relax and you'd also say this to a dog that's jumping all over you. If a golfer is making bad puts because of nerves, his or her coach might say, "Settle down more when you're standing over a put." When you've moved somewhere new and become comfortable, you could say, "I'm all settled in and I love the new apartment."
2012년 7월 8일
Settled down refers to a change in lifestyle. For instance if you had a rogue man traveling the world finally getting a home and a family then he is settling down. Meaning his lifestyle has become more stable and he now tied down to this home. Settling in refers to a move after they have altered the place to their liking and have grown accustomed to the new place. So it sounds like Settling in would be your best bet.
2012년 7월 9일
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