The difference between right away&straight away? What's the difference between the sentence 1 and the sentence 2, and between the sentence 3 and the sentence 4? And are the whole sentence I'm using on here is awkward? If here's some awkward sentence, please give me some correction. 1.We'll send the picture you commissioned straight away. 2.We'll send the picture you commissioned right away. 3.Please ship the parts right away. 4.Please ship the parts straight away.
2012년 7월 13일 오전 2:23
답변 · 2
They are all correct :) And I don't think there really is a difference whatsoever
2012년 7월 13일
The difference between right away&straight away? They both have the same meaning. To doing something without delay, or immeadiately. Right away is used by American English speakers. Striaght away is used by British English speakers. I hope this helps.
2012년 7월 13일
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