Receipt and Invoice If I am in Starbucks, bought a coffee, already paid and need a proof of payment, with my name or company name. Do I need to ask them "invoice" or "receipt"?
2012년 8월 13일 오전 6:20
답변 · 2
Ask for a receipt - it's to show that you have paid that amount. An invoice shows the amount that is requested - a bill.
2012년 8월 13일
An invoice is a request for payment. A receipt is the proof that you have paid. However I don't think that most shops would provide you with a receipt with your name and company on it. The receipt is typically produced by a cash register which automatically prints the amounts. An invoice would probably have those details. Invoice may involved data about your name and business which someone inputs into an accounting system.
2012년 8월 13일
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