what does mean "'keep close eye''?
2012년 8월 28일 오전 5:13
답변 · 4
"To keep a close eye on something" = To observe closely. To watch closely. In English we can say: "Keep an eye on..." meaning: Watch, observe, oversee. or "Keep a close eye on..." which means: Watch carefully more carefully than usual. EX: "Keep an eye on the weather, it might change in the next few days" EX: "Keep a close eye on the weather, there might be some severe weather soon" EX: "Keep an eye on the children for me, okay? I will be right back." EX: "Keep a close eye on those juveniles. They are up to no good!"
2012년 8월 28일
The answers here are way too easy for native speakers to give and also way too long. Keep a close eye on something = watch over something closely.
2012년 8월 28일
The correct phrase is "to keep a close eye on (something)". It means to watch carefully, to not let something out of your sight. "Keep a close eye on that pot, the water is about to boil! Don't miss it!" also used for people: "Keep a close eye on your little brother. Don't let him go outside"
2012년 8월 28일
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