Need some help with word "thirsty" in Chinese! :) hey there :) I'm just learning some Chinese basics and have some problems with word "thirsty". Is it Kě or Kǒu kě?
2012년 10월 21일 오전 11:13
답변 · 13
both work when you feel need a drink.
2012년 10월 21일
ke is a word, kou ke is a phrase.
2012년 10월 23일
Ke is the short term of Kou Ke. I list a corresponding example here,chemo-chemotherapy,they are the same thing. So the full translation is "kou ke",but "Kou" stands for mouth in Chinese,when you say thirsty,you don't need to mention that it is your mouth feel thirsty.Therefore,we say "ke" the same.
2012년 10월 21일
渴 口渴 都是一个意思 you can say : wo ke le or wo kou ke le (theey all means (i am thirsty )
2012년 10월 21일
that's all right~
2012년 10월 21일
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