what's the meaning of this sentence:I am a phone call away? I am the new comer.I am the fresh or freshman,are these sentences right?
2012년 10월 21일 오후 1:24
답변 · 6
You can always contact me by phone. I will always be ready to talk with you and come to you if you ask.
2012년 10월 21일
"I am a phone call away" means that although there may be a large physical distance between two people, if they talk to each other over the phone it will be as if they were close again. The person who says "I am a phone call away" is inviting you to call them any time for any reason, and they will be there:)
2012년 10월 21일
it means I am always available for u on phone,anytime u can call me.
2012년 10월 26일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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