هَذَا مُعَلَّمٌ , هَذِهِ مُعَلَّمَةٌ This is a (male) teacher. هَذَا مُعَلَّمٌ This is a (female) teacher. هَذِهِ مُعَلَّمَةٌ I know هَذَا and هَذِهِ changed because of masculine and feminine nouns. But, why did مٌ change into مَةٌ ?
2012년 11월 23일 오후 8:29
답변 · 13
In arabic you can reveal Masculin from feminin just from the word itself for example , in english if we say : a teacher We can't reveal if it's a feminin teacher or masculin but in arabic , if you say معلمة so it's feminin So , هذا هذه is only demonstratives , in fact adding a ة will make the word feminin
2012년 11월 23일
Welcome, Hope! :) Yes, it's called a "taa' marbuTa" and it shows what words are feminine. As your vocabulary grows, you will learn that there are exceptions, of course. Not every feminine word ends with a "taa' marbuTa", and there are some masculine words with one. Most of them follow the pattern of your example.
2012년 11월 25일
Correction: This is a (male) teacher. هَذَا مُعَلِّمٌ (mo'alim instead of mo'alam) This is a (female) teacher. هَذِهِ مُعَلِّمَةٌ (mo'alima instead of mo'alama) اللام تكون مكسورة، يعني الكسرة تحت الشدة وليس فوقها And concerning "ة" it's the same, we add it for the feminine case
2012년 11월 23일
When it's a feminine noun , we add ة at the end of the word. for example: معلم ، معلمة طبيب ، طبيبة أستاذ ، أستاذة محاسب ، محاسبة
2012년 11월 23일
for the same reason (because of masculine and feminine nouns) ex. he is an engineer هو مهندس she is an engineer هي مهندسة good luck :)
2012년 11월 23일
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