What's the difference between [ You're looking good.] & [ You're good looking.]? Thank you in advance. :D
2012년 11월 24일 오전 9:21
답변 · 6
"You're looking good" = "You look good right NOW!". It might refer to clothing, a new hair cut etc. "You're good looking" = "You are handsome/beautiful". It refers to someone's state of being and is ongoing. You should always be careful when you say things like "You're looking good" to women because it does mean RIGHT NOW (especially literally) and therefore implies that they don't always look good. Sometimes they get a little bit offended by this :). With, "You're good looking" you're always safe though haha :). Good luck and take care!
2012년 11월 24일
"You're looking good" usually indicates that someone looks nice presently, at the moment (for example, how they're dressed, etc). "You're good-looking" indicates that the person is physically attractive!
2012년 11월 24일
You're looking good.= you are looking cool/well dressed/ You're good looking.= attractive or handsome for a guy and beautiful for a woman
2012년 11월 24일
* good looking = beautiful , handsome * look( verb) good ( adjective ) = you seem excellent; pleasant ,in fine condition
2012년 11월 24일
Hi, Sunny,Jura,Garret teacher,Hughski, and Rezzn, Thank you so much.!!! I appreciate all the support I received from everyone. Have a nice weekend.!!! :D :D :D
2012년 11월 24일
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