what is difference between"feasible"and "practical"? what is difference between"feasible"and "practical"?
2012년 11월 25일 오전 11:16
답변 · 2
Feasible is very limited in its meaning. But practical is much more wider in its application. The only common meaning is when something is capable of being done in a practical situation. FEASIBLE : 1. capable of being done, effected, or accomplished: a feasible plan. 2. probable; likely: a feasible theory. 3. suitable: a road feasible for travel. PRACTICAL : adjective 1. of or pertaining to practice or action: practical mathematics. 2. consisting of, involving, or resulting from practice or action: a practical application of a rule. 3. of, pertaining to, or concerned with ordinary activities, business, or work: practical affairs. 4. adapted or designed for actual use; useful: practical instructions. 5. engaged or experienced in actual practice or work: a practical politician. 6. inclined toward or fitted for actual work or useful activities: a practical person. 7. mindful of the results, usefulness, advantages or disadvantages, etc., of action or procedure. 8. matter-of-fact; prosaic. 9. being such in practice or effect; virtual: a practical certainty. noun 1. an examination in the practical skills of a subject: a science practical
2012년 11월 25일
Practical we use it in engineering field if I have a something like a draw and I want to out a product real something so Doctor ask who to make it practically I'll ask him I'll use this and this this what is meant by practical but for feasible I don't know the right definition for it but at Longman : feasible adj possible,and likely to work : Your plan sounds quite feasible.
2012년 11월 25일
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