What's the meaning of 'don't get it twisted'?
2012년 12월 18일 오후 8:26
답변 · 9
It means don't take the wrong message from what I have said/ Don't misinterpret what I have said.
2012년 12월 18일
If your in England everybody would understand exactly what you mean, as a matter of fact I use the expression all of the time, I speak to business people from the upper classes and they accept this phrase too but they wouldn’t use it them selves. You will find it commonly spoken in high crime areas, but it is an old phrase now and youngsters don’t use it anymore as much.
2019년 12월 10일
Thanks. Will keep it in mind
2012년 12월 19일
Ok just beware though that if you're thinking of using these expression not everyone will know what they mean especially older generations. Slang is constantly changing and varies from country to country. For example if you said 'don't get it twisted' to someone in from another English speaking country apart from America, most people would understand what you mean but would find it odd and may actually laugh at you.
2012년 12월 18일
From the U.S. movies, songs, etc....
2012년 12월 18일
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