What's the difference between persist and insist? What's the difference between persist and insist?
2013년 1월 24일 오후 3:32
답변 · 2
To persist means that you don't give up. Example: My study of Japanese persists to this day! (meaning- I haven't stopped studying Japanese) To insist means you're forcefully telling someone you want them to do something. Example: I insist that you try the blueberry pastry! (meaning- I think you really ought to try the pastry) I hope this answer helps you. Best of luck with your studies! -Charlie
2013년 1월 24일
PERSIST (keep trying) Mona started Chinese class. She did very badly. But she continued to work hard. She studied her book every night. She watched Chinese-language movies. She used the Internet to communicate with Chinese people in Chinese. Today she is the top student in her class. She is very glad that she persisted in her Chinese studies. INSIST (To believe something even if other people do not believe you) When Mona was doing badly in her Chinese class, her teacher very respectfully suggested that she study Russian instead of Chinese. But Mona respectfully told her teacher that she COULD learn Chinese. Today she is the top student. Her teacher has just told her: "You insisted that you did have the ability to do well in my class, and you were right. I was wrong. I now apologize."
2013년 1월 24일
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