what's the difference between 'lawn' and 'grass'? what's the difference between 'lawn' and 'grass'?
2013년 3월 18일 오전 11:29
답변 · 6
Lawn is a piece of land which is covered with grass. Grass is the actual plant.
2013년 3월 18일
A lawn is an area of ground (such as the ground around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with short grass. And grass is just grass ))
2013년 3월 18일
lawn is like artificial smile ....and grass is real smile which comes from heart.......
2013년 5월 12일
I agree with everyone else, and also: Lawn is typically owned by someone, whereas 'grass' is more generic and refers to the plant itself.
2013년 4월 4일
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