drive safe or drive safely? drive safe/safely drive slow/slowly go quick/quickly This is a confusing part for me. Some adjectives in English are able to be used as adverbs as well. So what's the difference between the adverb form with "ly" and without "ly"? Are they interchangeable?
2013년 4월 24일 오전 6:31
답변 · 1
In each sentence, the one with "-ly" is proper grammar. "Drive safely." "Drive slowly." "Go quickly." These are all correct. If you want to use proper grammar, you should say these. However... "Drive safe." "Drive slow." "Go quick." These are not technically correct, but sometimes English speakers who are speaking very casually will say them, because the meaning is usually understood. Basically, you can say any of these phrases and people will probably understand. If you want to use proper grammar though, you should use "-ly."
2013년 4월 24일
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