'I'm going to hold her, and I'm going to squeeze her and I probably won't let her go 'I'm going to hold her, and I'm going to squeeze her and I probably won't let her go what does "squeeze"means
2013년 5월 7일 오전 8:12
답변 · 3
In this context it means hold or hug very tightly for a moment and then let go. But, you can also squeeze a lemon to get lemon juice - so you "crush" the lemon in your hand, squeeze it.
2013년 5월 7일
squeeze in one sense can be "to take into close and fondle" the other meaning might be "to hold tightly not to evade"
2013년 5월 7일
correction : What does "squeeze"mean?
2013년 5월 7일
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