What does "my fair lady" mean? I have just listened to the song "London bridge is falling down." I have read that this song's meaning relates to difficulties experienced in building the bridge again. Is that true? I am also curious about the fair lady in the song. Anyone knows about the fair lady in the song. Please let me know. :) Thanks a lot.
2013년 6월 18일 오전 11:36
답변 · 2
why it sounds so happy? orz
2013년 6월 18일
'Fair' means pretty, nice to look at. You could have said 'my pretty lady', but it wouldn't have kept the beat of the song. Just a little history - 'fair' originally referred to a woman whose face was not scarred with smallpox. Later, it came to mean pretty. Some words change their meaning over centuries.
2013년 6월 18일
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