BuatBuat Yea
how to say ( i love you ) and ( i hate you ) in korean...?
2013년 7월 7일 오전 10:05
답변 · 1
" 사랑해요 [sa-rang-hae-yo] " means " I love you ", " 좋아해요 [joh-a-hae-yo] " means " I like you " And " 싫어해요 [shilh-o-hae-yo ----> shi-ro-hae-yo] " means " I dislike you " and " 미워요 [mi-wo-yo] " means " I hate you "! " 요 yo " is a term for politeness, you can omit it if you're close to the person or you are insulting the other person ( very awkward advice :| )!
2013년 7월 7일
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