fish...deer...etc. uncountable nouns I'm sorry for asking some stupid questions sometimes, but what embarrasses me the most is that I usually write very grammatically complicated sentences, yet I make silly mistakes. When I speak about fish or deer , what pronouns should I use to refer to ( it / them )? If they are both used, which one is academical? And if there is one fish, can I say ( a fish )? Thanks in advance.
2013년 8월 26일 오후 3:48
답변 · 4
Fish and deer aren't uncountable (unless you're talking about the meat). Their plural forms are just exactly the same as their singular form. 'A fish' and 'a deer' are perfectly fine. The same rules apply to 'fish' and 'deer' as to any other countable noun (except they don't change form). You can never say 'a' with an uncountable noun though. (ex. 'a water' is not correct).
2013년 8월 26일
Do you mean single vs plural? 1 deer = it 2 deer = them If not sure how many deer, but more than 1= some deer or a few deer= them
2013년 8월 26일
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