What does "xx" at the end of the message mean?
2013년 9월 1일 오전 11:32
답변 · 5
My friend from the UK uses it a lot in messages to his Ukrainian girlfriend. He explained me that 'XXX' means 'kisses' (an expression of his love), and 'xx' is an expression of the friendship.
2013년 9월 1일
As they have already said xx means kisses. You can also see "xoxo" which means kisses and hugs :)
2013년 9월 1일
Yes, kisses, each X means a kiss, we use them when we write to our partners, friends and relatives.
2013년 9월 1일
It means "kiss kiss". Lucky you! :D
2013년 9월 2일
Thank you! Now it's clear how to use it and not to find myself in embarrassing sitiation ;)
2013년 9월 1일
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