Can someone translate these sentences? 1. 我是慢热型的人,不爱和人讲话,所以今后我希望能改掉这个性格。 2. 是我的家人和朋友让我的生活更好
2013년 10월 6일 오전 4:12
답변 · 5
(1)slow coach= 慢性子的人,是个固定词语,第一句翻译为:I am a slow coach, I don't like talking with others, so I hope to change myself in the future.(不要翻译为so I hope to change the character in the future,这样是改变性格,实际上是你改变自己,就说change myself 就行,要是太抠字眼,没法翻译了) 或者 I am a slow coach and don't like chatting with others, so I hope to change myself in the future. 这两个翻译大同小异,只是用词稍有区别) (2)建议翻译用It is....that....强调句型 It is my family and friends that who make me live a better life. 或者 It is my family and friends that who make me live better.
2013년 10월 6일
1. 我是慢热型的人,不爱和人讲话,所以今后我希望能改掉这个性格。 "I am a slow learner, (I) do not like talking to people, therefore, from now on, I hope to get rid of this bad habit." 2. 是我的家人和朋友让我的生活更好 "It is my family and friends who make my life much better."
2013년 10월 6일
雖然我中文不好,差不多明白你的意思。 那我翻譯你的意思成道地美國口語: 1. I'm (a slow learner 假如對於學習的速度)/ (not easy to get to know)/(a slow learner)/(an introvert)/(kind of quiet) I'm not very talkative, so in the future I hope to drop this bad habit. 好像我們沒有跟「慢熱型」一個相同單詞,但是如果我們在講學習,會說“slow learner”,或者假如談社交,那可以說“I'm kind of quiet", "I'm an introvert", etc... 慢熱型對我是生詞,所以不太清楚你們傳統的用法 2. My family and friends make my life much better. 是不是你想說的意思?
2013년 10월 6일
我觉得底下这些人的回答都没看懂您的意思。 慢热是指人进入状态慢对吧。比如女生说是慢热型,那可能是一开始感觉很高冷拘谨,但是慢慢就可以敞开心扉。 此处慢热应为:slow-to-warm-up. 通常指人比较害羞,不很快适应新环境。
2021년 6월 1일
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