how can I call a stranger politely in japanese? As in english: miss, mister, ...
2013년 10월 16일 오전 11:11
답변 · 8
It is very common and polite for Japanese to address a complete stranger as 'old lady' or 'grandfather' or 'elder sister' or 'elder brother' or 'Mr. Policeman' or 'miss' or 'boy'. - Obasan - Ojisan - Oneesan - Oniisan - Omawarisan
2013년 10월 16일
In general, -san is the most common suffix. It is moderately polite and is translated as Mr. and Ms. etc.
2013년 10월 16일
You should put -san after the name:)
2013년 10월 16일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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