"go swimming" or "go to swim" ? Why can't I say "go to swim" ?
2013년 10월 19일 오전 5:16
답변 · 5
The first example is correct as you have to use the gerund '-ing' --- It's the standard [go + ing] form ''go swimming''. "go to swim" is however possible but, there's something missing. You might have to emphasize a location to make it work so, the sentence would be ''go (to the beach) to swim''.
2013년 10월 19일
We use "go [verb]ing" for activities. The only alternative is "go for a swim".
2013년 10월 19일
go swimming
2013년 10월 19일
"go swimming" is correct!
2013년 10월 19일
"I love to swim during the summer months". Alternatively, "I love to go swimming during the summer months". Which do you prefer and why?
2023년 4월 19일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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