What's the meaning of "Saumensch" in German? I'm now reading an English book but there're some German words in it. Google translate can't translate the word "Saumensch". What does it mean? Is it a dirty word?
2013년 11월 8일 오전 8:09
답변 · 4
You're right. It's an insult. "Sau" literally means "swine". "Mensch" is "person", and can refer either to a man or a woman. So, Saumensch is something like "bastard", "bitch".
2013년 11월 8일
A Sau is the German word for sow, or a female pig. And Mensch is a person. So a Saumensch is simply an unpleasant person.
2020년 3월 29일
I was just watching an episode of "The Big Bang Theory", with German subtitle: "That's hilarious" was translated as "das ist ja saukomisch."
2017년 9월 5일
Which book are you reading actually then? It sounds interesting.
2013년 11월 11일
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