about a nickname 'sassafras ' I heard a man call a woman 'sassafras' as a nickname. I can hardly figure out what it means. I mean, I know what 'sassafras' means in the dictionary--a kind of tree. But what can it mean when it's used as a nickname?
2013년 11월 28일 오전 1:59
답변 · 8
Sassafras is a slang when someone is called "sassafras" it means the person is rude, sassy, impudent or disrespectful. Source:
2013년 11월 28일
As I think you know, sassafras is the name of a plant, from which tea can be made. Perhaps the person nicknamed "Sassafras" liked to drink this tea. There are some towns named Sassafras, too, in the USA, Australia and possibly elsewhere. Perhaps the woman came from a place called Sassafras. These are just wild guesses. We'd need more information to make a more educated guess.
2013년 11월 28일
It’s a southern thing. It means you are being sassy and kind of full of yourself. It is based on the plant. The sassafras plant and the tea made out of it has a kick to it that can make some people feel high. Basically you’re acting a fool like you’re high on sassafras. It’s a tongue in cheek way to call someone out and tell them to take a step back without being rude.
2020년 4월 3일
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