Joseph Lemien
How can I describe cuddling in Chinese? How can I describe cuddling in Chinese? To cuddle is like hugging while you are not standing up. For example, if I am sitting on a couch with a friend watching a movie, we can sit with our legs and torsos touching. Or if I am laying in bed with my girlfriend hugging her then we are cuddling, because there it lots of body contact without kissing, making out, or sex. A grandchild can sit on a parent's or a grandparent's lap and cuddle. If I am cold I can cuddle with my blanket, or if I am lonely I can cuddle with a teddy bear. Cuddle definitely has a meaning of affection, but there is not necessarily any meaning of sexual desire.
2013년 12월 3일 오후 9:10
답변 · 8
translate your detailed explanation into Chinese and let everybody check the mistakes
2013년 12월 4일
看場合翻譯 同樣一個動作 不同的文化觀點 我們的用詞 就是不一樣 If I am cold I can cuddle with my blanket.... 天冷了 我 被pi1擁 著毯子 蜷縮著身體 (後被前擁) if I am lonely I can cuddle with a teddy bear... 摟 (抱) 著泰迪熊 更讓我感到寂寞 we can sit with our legs and torsos touching... 我們倆緊緊 相依相偎 (依偎 只是身體靠在一起 並不強調 伸手擁摟 之意) 我們 緊貼著身體 坐在一起 我們十指相扣 兩足相纏 黏坐在一起 if I am laying in bed with my girlfriend hugging her .... 我們倆在床上 相擁而眠 我們倆在床上 蜷臥相擁 我們倆 抱懷抵足而臥 A grandchild can sit on a parent's or a grandparent's lap and cuddle. 爺爺 摟著 孫子 坐在腿上
2013년 12월 4일
依偎 should be the Right one according to Your explanation.
2013년 12월 4일
蜷拥。”蜷“ means curling up."拥"means hug.
2013년 12월 4일
2013년 12월 4일
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