Ana - Spanish Tutor
I like playing football or I like to play football? I learnt in English that after some verbs like love and like you have to use the gerund form of the verb (I like playing football). However I've seen some people using the verbs in infinitive form (I like to play football). I want to know if both are correct. If it isn't, which is the correct form? Thank you for your answers!
2014년 3월 7일 오전 1:27
답변 · 4
both are correct, but they are a little different. I like to play football is more general. If someone asks you what do you like to do you would say "I like to play football" as opposed to "I like playing football". If for example you just played football and someone asks you what do you think of football? It would be more proper to say "I like playing football". But generally it's ok to use either one
2014년 3월 7일
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