Which sentence is correct? I have been to London. or I have been in London.
2014년 4월 8일 오후 6:00
답변 · 3
1. "I have been to London." is correct and means that you have visited London in the past but are no longer there now. 2. "I have been in London." is correct if someone asks you "Where have you been?" but "in London" is usually accompanied with an adverb indicating a duration of time. So for instance, "I have been in London for a month now." or "I have been in London for two weeks."
2014년 4월 8일
Both are correct, but they have a different meaning. "Been to" means you are no longer in that place, while "been in" means you have been there or you have left that place.
2014년 4월 8일
I have understood. Thanks.
2014년 4월 8일
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