Michael L McDowell
what is the most common way to say "have a nice day" in Japanese? I have trouble finding this phrase in my book for learning Japanese. When I begin taking classes I'll figure all this stuff out.
2014년 4월 29일 오후 2:04
답변 · 5
I understand. So "have a nice day" is not a common expression in Japan.
2014년 4월 30일
I can think of some expressions meaning 'have a nice day', but none of them is common. In those situations, some people make a slight bow without saying anything, and a few express their thanks. Anyway, I think it is common to say 'gochisousama(deshita)' to waiters, 'arigatou' to cashiers, particularly when you are glad for their service. Some people always say 'doumo', but this might sound a little too casual.
2014년 4월 29일
that case short : Jah ne other : Deha mata/Matane
2014년 4월 29일
I mean when leaving a restaurant or a supermarket and saying have a nice day to the cashier or waiter
2014년 4월 29일
many case we can think of Have a nice day case one : customer go to some place and say for have fun : Tanoshinde kite kudasai Other case see off in day time at train or bus Okiotsukete See off friend in the morning who go to office : Itterasshai case by case each different (Direct translation ) : Yokihio
2014년 4월 29일
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