Can the word hard be used when describing rain as in " the rain was hard/ it was hard rain?" Or is it wrong to use " hard" with rain?
2014년 4월 30일 오후 9:56
답변 · 9
You could say: It was raining cats and dogs. I hear a lot of American use this slang, It is very common slang :)
2014년 4월 30일
You can also say "heavy rain". For example: It has been raining heavily all afternoon.
2014년 4월 30일
Usually we say "it is raining hard" or "it was a hard rain." It means that it rained a lot.
2014년 4월 30일
You might be interested in singer Bob Dylan's famous song, "A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall." Like many song lyrics it is not strictly correct good English, but it does illustrate the phrase "hard rain." Wikipedia,'s_a-Gonna_Fall Lyrics, Youtube,
2014년 5월 1일
You have to be careful though, consider this question and 2 different responses: Q: What's the weather like out? A1: It is raining hard out there. A2: It is hardly raining out there. Those two answers actually mean completely opposite things. A1 means there is a lot of rain falling. A2 means it is not raining very much out.
2014년 5월 1일
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