what's the meaning of "he is so lame" and "he is a sheep"? what's the meaning of "he is so lame" and "he is a sheep"?
2008년 1월 15일 오전 2:29
답변 · 2
For me, someone who is lame is no fun and "uncool". To say that someone is a sheep means that he does what everyone else does out of cowardice. I hope that helps!
2008년 1월 15일
Kristen is right. I guess "he is so lame" can also be translated as "he is slow" (/lazy /sleepy). Literally it means: He can't walk. I think someone is disappointed because "he" didn't respond fast enough. Or not as expected. The "sheep" might be a consequence (/result) of being "lame". D. who sometimes is lame...
2008년 1월 24일
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