My perspective or my point of view? Could you please tell me any difference between " my perspective" and "my point of view"? And which is probable to say, "from my perspective" or "in my perspective"? Thanks a lot
2014년 5월 29일 오전 4:49
답변 · 3
Your perspective and your point of view are the same thing. Both refer to your personal way of regarding something. Also, the correct way to phrase this would be "from my perspective", "from my point of view", or "in my opinion". Hope this helps.
2014년 5월 29일
'probable to say' should be 'which is more commonly used' or which is more often used
2014년 8월 15일
Point of view is literally the PLACE from which you see things... perspective is perhaps HOW they are seen. But as Cleo says both refer to your understanding of things, how you see things or see a situation. 'Point of view' you can just use as 'My point of view is that...' without 'from' meaning 'My opinion'. Actually 'Point of view' nay not be an opinion, just a statement of how you see the situation before making a conclusion.
2014년 8월 15일
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