make steam come out your ears Could anyone tell me what does this phrase mean?
2014년 7월 7일 오후 2:43
답변 · 9
Imagine a cartoon character who gets so angry that steam starts to blow out of their ears! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QtfUCNovLWA/TzRcoZNACII/AAAAAAAABo0/HW6Nlt81hD8/s1600/yosemite_sam.jpg
2014년 7월 8일
A related expression is "angry enough to blow one's lid". Both the evoke the image of the head as a pot/kettle of water at full boil, on the verge of exploding
2014년 7월 7일
Imagine steam coming out of a boiling kettle. We use this image to describe someone who is getting very angry.
2014년 7월 7일
when you speak to a boring person who make you nervous
2014년 7월 7일
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