这个诗句是什么意思? 夫亦空兮妻亦空,黄泉路上不相逢。 朋亦空兮友亦空,各赴前程路不同。
2014년 8월 4일 오후 5:04
답변 · 6
丈夫是什么,妻子是什么,死不同时,即使过了一辈子,到了黄泉路上也不认识; 朋友是什么,知己是什么,追求不同,前程不同,到最后也只是陌路。 改编自明代僧人的《万空歌》
2014년 8월 5일
This is a pessimistic poem. it means your husband or wife may not be as significant as you might think, your soul probobly foget each other after your death. and your friend are not improtant as well, because you may pursue different things and finally turn into strangers. So everything on the world is nothness.
2014년 8월 6일
2014년 8월 6일
Chinese poem is hard to understand,many Chinese are very difficult to understand!I suggest you don't learn Chinese poem. The meaning of this poem is the couple separated and friend farewell to write.On behalf of the poet's sad. so,can you understand?
2014년 8월 5일
2014년 8월 4일
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