is it Ok to say I hope you are fine or I hope you are well? are they correct or one of them doesn't sound good in English?
2014년 8월 12일 오후 7:45
답변 · 4
"I hope you're fine" is grammatically correct, but I would avoid it as it sounds awkward and most English speakers wouldn't say it. If you want to sound more natural in your speech, you should not say "I hope you're doing well."
2019년 11월 6일
can I text my sir to I hope you are fine
2023년 5월 6일
Both forms are correct. The first way is just a more polite way of saying the same thing. I hope you are doing fine, would be a more casual, from friend to friend way of asking the question.
2014년 8월 12일
"I hope you are well" is more formal, and is correct. "I hope you are fine" sounds a bit colloquial, though gramatically it is OK.
2014년 8월 12일
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