What does 그 means? I usually see it in the beginning of the sentence.
2014년 8월 31일 오후 5:24
답변 · 3
Above all is right. I'd like to add one thing. "그" could be also "the"(the definite article). You don't need much care about articles in Korean though.. However, if you need to point something out. You can use "그" at the time
2014년 9월 5일
I'd also like some examples where you saw it, but it usually translates to "that" in front of another noun. For example, "그 때" means "at that time", "그 사람" means "that person".
2014년 9월 1일
Hi, I'm not very good with Korean, but can you give an example? I guess that will make it easier for people to answer your question. I think 그 might mean "this", but it surely can mean something else.
2014년 8월 31일
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