Is "none more so than" a set phrase? It's caught everyone off-guard, none more so than the ALS Association folks. Is "none more so than" a set phrase? How to use this phrase correctly?
2014년 9월 1일 오전 6:12
답변 · 5
Would you like to construct a sentence using this phrase? We shall see if it is correct. I shall do one first. I shall start with: There are many influential institutions which are against marriage for all. Then I try to think of the one which is the most strongly opposed to it. Then I add it to my original sentence. It becomes: There are many influential institutions which are against marriage for all, none more so than the Catholic Church, which believes that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
2014년 9월 1일
We use "none more so than..." to express the person or organisation that are the most surprised with a result. Many people thought I'd fail, none more so than me. (Many people thought it, but I thought it the most).
2014년 9월 1일
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