There is - This is; There are - These are There is a cat. This is a cat. There are cats. These are cats. Difference?
2014년 9월 13일 오전 8:35
답변 · 3
This + These = near to you That + Those = far from you Here = near to you There = far from you "Do you want this shirt here or that shirt there?"
2014년 9월 13일
"There is/there are" can be used when you mean that something exists. This is very common in English. By the way, you wouldn't say "cats exist" instead... that simply sounds very strange. Those phrases can also mean "not here, but a little further away". Use "this" and "these" (as well as "that and "those") when you are indicating the cat(s). Imagine yourself pointing at it/them.
2014년 9월 13일
There is and there are refer to something that is further away, or hypothetical. Whereas this is and these are refer to something physical which is close by.
2014년 9월 13일
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