It's my birthday in June or on June? Which one is correct? Thanks!!
2014년 10월 7일 오전 11:03
답변 · 12
"It's your birthday in June" "It's my birthday on September 6th" IN a period of time, or ON a specific date.
2014년 10월 7일
The correct way to say it is, "My birthday is in June." "It's my birthday in June." is correct also but since this sounds like a response, you should emphasize the "is" like this, "It is my birthday in June."
2014년 10월 7일
2021년 6월 29일
Your birthday is in June! But if you want say the day, you must use ON, for example: my birthday is on 17th of June.
2014년 10월 7일
in June
2014년 10월 7일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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