How to pronounce " wind" properly? I have heard people say the word " wind" in 2 different pronunciation, [ wind] and [waidn]. Are there any difference between them, like the word " tear" that we pronounce [tia] as a noun, and [ter] as a verb? Thank you
2014년 10월 29일 오전 6:57
답변 · 5
Yes the first one is what you feel outside (weather) ,for example "The wind is very cold today",and the second is to turn,for example when you "wind up your watch" 1.a : a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally b : an artificially produced movement of air c : solar wind, stellar wind 2. to tighten the spring of <wind a clock> (past tense WOUND)
2014년 10월 29일
Yes, these are completely different words with totally different meanings that just happen to have the same spelling. wind [ wind] This is a current of air. 'The wind blew the leaves off the trees'. wind [waind]. This is a movement of turning and tightening. 'I remember my grandfather winding his old watch every day'.
2014년 10월 29일
noun [ wind] verb [waind].
2014년 10월 29일
Here's your new online friend: You'll hear that one pronunciation is the verb, and the other is the noun. It will be very clear from reading a full sentence.
2014년 10월 29일
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