What is the meaning of "get off from work"? What is the meaning of "get off from work"?
2014년 11월 10일 오후 2:15
답변 · 3
It means the time that you finish work, and are free for the rest of the day. When do you get off work? What time do you get off? Are you off tomorrow?
2014년 11월 10일
Just yesterday, my coworkers and I were all saying "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to get off work!" because we were all anxious for our work day to be finished.
2014년 11월 10일
"To get off from work" simply means to leave work as in one's office. When making plans with friends or such you can say "I get off from work at XX:XX time" to let them know when you will be available. Of course this can differ based on context, if you would like a more precise explanation please feel free to provide some example sentences.
2014년 11월 10일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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