Is there gramma mistake in sentence I have found it in test. Is there gramma mistake in sentence "I suggest our starting as soon as possible". It sounds much better for me "I suggest we start..." or "I suggest starting..."
2014년 11월 18일 오전 10:17
답변 · 3
Is there a GRAMMAR mistake.... There's a spelling mistake in the question. "I suggest our starting as soon as possible," is a rather colloquial/informal way of saying it. Some people here in England do say it that way. I've said it myself! I suggest that you stick to the other examples you have mentioned. They are better.
2014년 11월 18일
You are right. As you say, there is a grammar mistake in that sentence. (NB note my correction of your question). Either 'I suggest we start..' or 'I suggest starting..' would be correct.
2014년 11월 18일
"I suggest we start as soon as possible" would sound the most natural.
2014년 11월 18일
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