Hello:) Is there any difference between these two sentences? Let's meet one more time. Let's meet another time.
2014년 12월 10일 오전 10:23
답변 · 7
Let's meet one more time is when you want to meet a person which you won't be seeing again soon. Let's meet another time is when you can't see this person at this moment and you want to delay the meeting for another day I hope this makes sense :)
2014년 12월 10일
"one more time" means that the next time you meet will be the last time. "another time" means that you will meet at least "one more time" and possibly more.
2014년 12월 10일
Let's meet one more time. Встретимся ещё раз. Let's meet another time. Встретимся в другой раз.
2014년 12월 10일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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