بالعربية؟ "It depends." كيف يقول How to you say "It depends" in Arabic? Example: Person 1: "What do you think of the book?" Person 2: "It depends. I think..." Thank you very much for your help!
2015년 2월 3일 오전 1:16
답변 · 12
In Syrian and Egyptian dialect we just say (حَسَب) or (على حَسب) then complete the translation simply. In standard Arabic it's (ذلك يعتمد); actually this translation is incomplete because the verb يعتمد is transitive in Arabic, so the complete translation will depend on what will come next, or you can simply add something general to fulfill the transitive verb; and consider the sentence like "it depends on your point if view", or "depends on what you are looking for" Now let me give you an example: Person 1: "What do you think of the book?" Person 2: "It depends. I think it's price is acceptable, but this copy is uncolored... the translation ınto standard Arabic would be: ذلك يعتمد على وجهة نظرك (أو يعتمد على ما تبحث عنه)، أعتقد أن سعره مقبول، لكن هذه النسخة غير ملونة feel free to tell me to explain any unclear points
2015년 2월 3일
انها تعتمد علي or (علي حسب( بالعامية
2015년 2월 3일
انا اعتمد على
2015년 2월 3일
يتعلق ب
2015년 2월 6일
Well, "it depends" could be translated in many different ways such as: (هذا يعتمِدُ على....) (هَذَا يتوقَّفُ علَى...) and you could also use: (حَسَبَ..)
2015년 2월 13일
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