Difference between inadvertently and accidently? Also should it be accidently or accidentally?
2015년 2월 5일 오후 9:15
답변 · 2
"I accidentally dropped the cup of water on the floor and it spilt everywhere." "I inadvertently told the postman that I was going on holiday next week. I hope he doesn't tell all my neighbours." The meanings are similar. I don't know if there is a genuine difference which you can define. In the Collins dictionary, they are listed as synonyms of each other. "Accidentally" is more common and perhaps suggests a more obvious mistake such as the water spillage I mentioned, and which you realise quickly. I use "inadvertently" when the mistake is less obvious or more subtle. I use it more often for things I have said rather than things I have done.
2015년 2월 5일
It's accidently
2015년 2월 5일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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